Social Responsability

At ARIN S.A. we constantly innovate to generate less Impact on the environment. We are engaged in preserve and take care of the place where we are. Therefore, it is sought that all machines generate less scrap percentage. We also have an area specialized to eliminate toxic waste and thus avoid Water Pollution.


Lead free
Lead free

Quality politics

ARIN S.A., a company dedicated to the design, development, planning, manufacturing, dispatch, export, and after-sales service of precious metal jewelry. We are committed to offering jewelry that meets the most demanding requirements, processed with the appropriate technology and by highly trained personnel. Our focus on Continuous Improvement in all our processes allows us to be a benchmark, demonstrating the importance of our Quality Management, Occupational Health and Safety, and Environmental systems.

ARIN cooperates with Jewelers for Children, company that since 1999 has donated more than $60 million to help children who are the victim of catastrophic illness or life-threatening abuse and neglect. JFC reached this goal working with our charity partners, their success is due to the continuing generosity of jewelry trade organizations, jewelry and watch manufacturing companies, jewelry retail stores, individual jewelry professionals, and jewelry consumer.